
A RealSense Typhoon H Follows a Wizard

If you have a Typhoon H equipped with the Intel RealSense module, you also received a Wizard. Some owners have never used the Wizard, but it is a fantastic little device that performs great when used and operated correctly. After you are experienced flying the TH using the ST16 controller, study the Wizard instructions carefully. Charge it, then go outside to calibrate the compass as per instructions (pay no attention to onlookers rolling their eyes). Be certain the Wizard turns itself off when calibration process is finished correctly. If it stays on with a red light blinking, start over.

Take the color card showing the various Wizard button presses with you to refer to when you operate the Wizard. Note that some functions require two buttons be pressed at the same time. Practice using the Wizard with the TH in a wide, open area until you have basic control learned.

You may download the Wizard Manual (PDF) below. Buy a Typhoon H with RealSense: Typhoon H Pro with RealSense

This short video demos a TH with RealSense "Watching" its Wizard (clipped to a shirt pocket). During the flight RealSense is in complete control of craft and camera, notice how it avoids trees on the way, then remembers where they are during the return. At the end, see that the TH has moved higher than its original starting height. Set your starting height (not too low) before engaging the "Follow or Watch" modes. More RealSense demos: RealSense Video Melange


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